The Components of our Services
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
The need for Project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) by organizations has become very important because funding agencies, governing agencies and other stakeholders put demands on accountability and transparency. These necessitate effective Planning and M&E systems and processes that guide towards and inform about the progress and impact of development projects and programs and on other specific information requirements each stakeholder may have. We handle both the design and execution of project including the evaluation plan at the proposal stage. Thus, we can support an organization at the three stages of evaluation, that is, pre-intervention assessment, midterm review/evaluation and post-intervention evaluation. We also carry out establishment of an M & E system for an organization to generate database for management decision making. This includes the training and mentoring of personnel to maintain the system. Pre-intervention evaluation or baseline assessments are usually conducted before programs commence in order to acquire specific baseline data to guide the program managers and staff in the design, planning and implementation of the project. These assessments also provide baseline data for future evaluations for these projects. The mid-term and post-intervention evaluations are carried out in order to assess the performances and achievements of various programs over certain periods of time of the lifespan of the programs. Monitoring entails continuous collection of service data on programs and taking decisions throughout the life span of the programs in order to ensure compliance with the plans of the programs. Specific objectives are set for each project and a set of activities are expected to be carried out at specific periods of the project in order to achieve these objectives. The performance of these activities needs to be monitored in the course of the project. ARDC can complement the efforts of organizations in setting out monitoring plans and in carrying out monitoring of the project such that the objectives of the project can be achieved.
Statistical Surveys
Drawing inferences on population based on scientifically drawn sample(s) is a valuable management technique that is widely used in every establishment. Various studies take the form of sample surveys. These surveys can be household-based and they could be based on individuals or on different observations. ARDC limited has affiliated organizations and consultants in the four regions of the country to carry out national statistical surveys. We can also assist organizations at following stages of any sample surveys: Designing the sampling procedure and obtaining scientifically acceptable sample sizes Development of questionnaires Selection and training of interviewers Field work – Data collection Data cleaning, processing and analysis Report writing.
Management Information System
Activities of an organization are spread over periods of time and over geographical areas of operations of the organization or the program. The personnel of the organization carry out these activities in the process of achieving the objectives of such an organization. In order to ensure that the activities to be carried out in line with the workplan; we can design a management information system (MIS) that will be deployed to generate service data for management decision making. This component of our services is essential for every establishment
Data Analysis
We complement efforts of organizations in analyzing data collected either through the administrative process (secondary data) or through planned process (primary data).
Situation Analysis
In public health interventions, one of the first steps is to carry out baseline studies to determine the situation prevailing in the target area. The information generated will facilitate taking effective management decisions. In any business setting, situation analysis is a method manager use to analyze both the internal and external environments of an organization in order to understand the firm’s own capabilities, customers and business environment. The situation analysis looks at both the macro-environmental factors that affect many firms within the environment and the micro-environmental factors that specifically affect the firm. The purpose of the situation analysis is to indicate to a company about the organizational and product position, as well as the overall survival of the business, within the environment. We are experts in this area and we can address the client’s needs as requested.
Program Management
We support organizations in the design, planning and implementation of health interventions. We also carry out training to develop the skills of the personnel of such organizations on program management. The training could be client specific and the training includes report writing. In addition, we could support organizations or Government establishments to set up programs in line with the standards of international development agencies such as World Bank, USAD, EU, DFID etc.
Proposal Development
We specialize in development and writing of grant proposal for organizations and Government agencies. A well-formed grant proposal is one that is carefully prepared, thoughtfully planned, and concisely packaged. We provide this service to organizations and agencies seeking grants from international development organizations to fund their planned projects. These specialized areas are also in our training package. The project staff will be trained to develop their skills.
Development and Management of Databases
Database management system is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access these data. We provide solutions to clients in different organizational settings. These include training, development and management and we also do this to the need of clients. Thus, needs assessment of clients is usually the first step.
Training on Database Computer Packages
We carry out standard and client specific training on the following Database Computer Packages: SPSS STATA CSPRO EPI-Info/Data As a prelude to the training of these packages is refresher training on computer appreciation and specific revision on MS Excel and Word to bring all participants to the same page. The training for a specific package usually takes a period of 3-5 days depending on the level of the participants. This training could be arranged to meet the demand of clients. We also conduct the training on weekend arrangement for clients who might not be able to attend during the week days. The weekend training would either be Friday to Sunday (from 12 pm on Sunday) or two weekends for Saturday and Sunday. Evaluation versions of the computer packages will be installed for participants and they could purchase the license after training. Details of our services and training could be obtained by visiting our website or by contacting our corporate office.